New Episodes Every Thursday

Georgia Episodes

July 11, 2024

Cold and Missing: Shy’Kemmia Pate

In 1998, Shy’Kemmia Shy’Rezz Pate, affectionately known as ShyShy, disappeared from her small town of Unadilla, Georgia, sparking a haunting mystery that continues to grip hearts and minds to this day. Despite battling severe...

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May 2, 2024

Cold and Missing: Elyssa Vasquez

How could a 12 year old girl get on a public bus after school and never been seen from again? This is exactly what happened with 12 year old Elyssa Vasquez in Clarkston, GA. In January of 2003 Elyssa was starting at a new sch...

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March 13, 2023

Cold and Missing: Sherri Swalley

This week on Cold and Missing Ali and Eli look into the 1973 cold case of Sherri Swalley. Sherri was 8 years old when her father decided to take her and her little brother to Walt Disney World as a Christmas treat. Traveling from Columbus, OH to Orlando, FL Sherri’s father decided to spend Sunday D…

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