In this episode, we explore the tragic disappearance of 12-year-old Jared Negrete during his first overnight Boy Scout trip in July 1991. Set against the backdrop of the San Gorgonio summit, Jared, described as a shy but inte...
In this episode, we delve into the tragic story of Julian Quintero, a vibrant 20-year-old from Oak Hills, Monterey County, CA, whose life was cut short in January 2017. Julian was a beloved figure in his community, known for ...
Jenny Lin, a 14-year-old girl, was brutally murdered in her home in 1994. Police are baffled by the gruesome crime scene. Jenny is found in a pool of blood, bound with duct tape, and her clothes have been removed by …
This week on Cold and Missing we look into the 2003 cold case of April Marie Sanchez in San Jose, CA. April was a vivacious 16 year old who was spending time with friends and her boyfriend late Friday night. …