In this episode, we dive into the mysterious disappearance of Larissa Sam, a talented 22-year-old mother and aspiring American Idol contestant who vanished on June 21, 2015. Larissa, known for her vibrant personality, was las...
In August 2005, 13-year-old Alexandra Anaya disappeared from her home in Hammond, Indiana, under suspicious circumstances. Despite initial assumptions of a runaway, the discovery of her torso in the Little Calumet River in Ch...
Najah, a devoted mother and foster parent, goes missing on her way to work at Panera Bread. Her car is abandoned in a parking lot about 5 minutes after she was due to start her shift. Shortly after that road …
Carmen is a 19-year-old living in Indianapolis, who was starting to turn her life around. She had a steady job at a Pizza Hut and was living with a roommate. Carmen’s neighbors heard her laughing and talking with a man …
This week on Cold and Missing Ali and Eli look into the unresolved missing persons case of Diamond Bynum and King Walker. This case takes place in 2015 when King is 2 and Diamond is 21. Diamond is King’s aunt …
This week on Cold and Missing we get to bring you updates on cases that we have covered in 2022. First up the recent arrest of Gene Meyer for the 1988 under and assault of Betty Rolf (episode 15) in …
BONUS EPISODE; recent developments in the Abby Williams and Libby German case. A man named Richard Allen has been charged with two counts of murder. Listen to the episode as we go over the most recent press conference given 10/31/2022. …
This week on Cold and Missing we cover the case of Abigail ‘Abby’ Williams and Liberty ‘libby’ German who were murdered February 13th, 2017 in a small town of Delphi, Indiana while enjoying a day off from school and walking …