Michael John Olson, a 20-year-old man who had moved to West Palm Beach, Florida, went missing on December 1st, 1979. He was last seen leaving a bar at around 4:30 am driving his maroon 1979 Grand Prix. Michael had spent the day playing golf, going to a dog track, and bar hopping with friends. Despite staying out late, his friends noted that he didn't drink much. When Michael didn't show up for work the next day, his friends went to his hotel but couldn't find his car. The hotel clerk believed Michael had skipped out on his bill and called the police. Michael's belongings were still in his hotel room, and his parents were shocked to learn he was missing. A private investigator hired by the family theorized that Michael may have been a victim of the serial killer Christopher Wilder, who was in the area at the time. However, no trace of Michael has ever been found.
If you know anything about the disappearance of Mike Olson in December of 1979 please call the West Palm Beach Police at 561-822-1900
To watch the video from Mike’s friend Paige click here: https://youtu.be/AvQvX8KlPwU?si=4Lb6QjlBKBwS61iy
1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:13,780 The views and opinions expressed in Cold and Missing are exclusively those of the hosts. 2 00:00:13,780 --> 00:00:18,400 All parties mentioned are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 3 00:00:18,400 --> 00:00:22,160 Cold and Missing also contains adult themes and languages. 4 00:00:22,160 --> 00:00:24,560 Listener discretion is advised. 5 00:00:24,560 --> 00:00:27,280 I'm your host, Ali McLaughlin-Solkowski. 6 00:00:27,280 --> 00:00:29,680 And I'm your co-host, Eli Sulkowski. 7 00:00:29,680 --> 00:00:34,320 And this is Cold and Missing, where we cover cold cases and missing person cases. 8 00:00:34,320 --> 00:00:37,280 Hello everyone and welcome back to Cold and Missing. 9 00:00:37,280 --> 00:00:40,480 I'm your host, Ali McLaughlin-Sulkowski. 10 00:00:40,480 --> 00:00:43,240 And I just wanted to start the show again with some thank yous. 11 00:00:43,240 --> 00:00:49,400 We had a lot of reviews come in this week on Apple Podcasts, just people rating us five 12 00:00:49,400 --> 00:00:50,400 stars. 13 00:00:50,400 --> 00:00:51,560 No new written ones, but that's okay. 14 00:00:51,560 --> 00:00:58,020 We'll still take all of your ratings anywhere on any platform wherever you're listening. 15 00:00:58,020 --> 00:00:59,960 So thank you so much. 16 00:00:59,960 --> 00:01:02,240 Once again, I'm coming to you solo this week. 17 00:01:02,240 --> 00:01:05,300 It'll just be me as my husband takes some time off. 18 00:01:05,300 --> 00:01:07,280 His mother passed away about two months ago. 19 00:01:07,280 --> 00:01:11,280 So we're just in the middle of grief. 20 00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:16,300 And if you've experienced a similar type of loss, I'm sure you understand. 21 00:01:16,300 --> 00:01:21,600 And I thank you all for your understanding and your compassion for us during this time, 22 00:01:21,600 --> 00:01:26,840 and especially to him, like all of your prayers, thoughts, meditations, we can feel them. 23 00:01:26,840 --> 00:01:31,160 You know, I definitely feel supported by this little community that we're creating here 24 00:01:31,160 --> 00:01:32,160 at Cold and Missing. 25 00:01:32,160 --> 00:01:35,260 So thank you so much to everybody listening. 26 00:01:35,260 --> 00:01:39,240 And if this is your first time here, thanks for joining us. 27 00:01:39,240 --> 00:01:40,240 Appreciate you. 28 00:01:40,240 --> 00:01:41,240 Thanks for being here. 29 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:44,760 So I wanted to jump into the case that we are covering today. 30 00:01:44,760 --> 00:01:47,400 This case actually came to us from a listener. 31 00:01:47,400 --> 00:01:50,080 His name is Paige Nienaber. 32 00:01:50,080 --> 00:01:52,120 And he brought this case to my attention. 33 00:01:52,120 --> 00:01:54,440 I hadn't heard of it beforehand. 34 00:01:54,440 --> 00:01:56,400 As soon as I started digging into this case. 35 00:01:56,400 --> 00:02:00,440 I knew it was one that we would want to cover here on Cold and Missing. 36 00:02:00,440 --> 00:02:02,920 It's an unresolved missing person case. 37 00:02:02,920 --> 00:02:07,160 And there was never a lot of news coverage on it to begin with. 38 00:02:07,160 --> 00:02:09,160 There was some that I was able to find. 39 00:02:09,160 --> 00:02:11,400 But we need to bring light to these cases. 40 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:12,880 And this is definitely one of them. 41 00:02:12,880 --> 00:02:15,360 And Paige is a friend of Mike's. 42 00:02:15,360 --> 00:02:17,360 They went to high school together. 43 00:02:17,360 --> 00:02:22,980 Paige has really been a champion for his friend Mike in getting his case out there and getting 44 00:02:22,980 --> 00:02:29,160 it into the media, into podcasts, just out into the public consciousness again. 45 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:34,840 So I am happy to be a part of Paige's mission in getting this case out there. 46 00:02:34,840 --> 00:02:41,240 And to help support a resolution for the family who still want answers to what happened to 47 00:02:41,240 --> 00:02:42,280 their loved one. 48 00:02:42,280 --> 00:02:50,000 So today we are going to be covering the unresolved missing person case of Michael John Olson. 49 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:56,760 And this takes place in December of 1979 in West Palm Beach, Florida. 50 00:02:56,760 --> 00:02:59,520 But first, a little bit about Michael. 51 00:02:59,520 --> 00:03:03,840 So Michael, or Mike, he is 20 years old in 1979. 52 00:03:03,840 --> 00:03:07,280 Mike was born November 9, 1959. 53 00:03:07,280 --> 00:03:10,320 So his birthday is coming up at the time of recording. 54 00:03:10,320 --> 00:03:13,560 And he was originally from Edina, Minnesota. 55 00:03:13,560 --> 00:03:16,080 And Edina is just outside of the Twin Cities. 56 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:17,820 It's right there. 57 00:03:17,820 --> 00:03:23,480 And he had gone to the University of Minnesota, but he was taking a break from his studies. 58 00:03:23,480 --> 00:03:27,360 He was studying business, but he really wanted to get into the golf industry. 59 00:03:27,360 --> 00:03:28,760 That was his passion. 60 00:03:28,760 --> 00:03:34,860 And he had worked his way up at a golf club in the Twin Cities and decided to head down 61 00:03:34,860 --> 00:03:39,840 to Florida to pursue his golf passion down there, which makes complete sense. 62 00:03:39,840 --> 00:03:42,640 Florida is just filled with golf courses. 63 00:03:42,640 --> 00:03:49,680 So in the fall of 1979, Mike moves to Florida, and he gets a job as a bag boy at the President 64 00:03:49,680 --> 00:03:52,600 Country Club there in West Palm Beach. 65 00:03:52,600 --> 00:03:55,960 When he went down to Florida, he didn't move to an apartment right away. 66 00:03:55,960 --> 00:03:59,920 I think he wanted to make sure that he liked it down there and wanted to stay down there. 67 00:03:59,920 --> 00:04:04,760 So he was staying at the Howard Johnson Hotel on Okeechobee Boulevard. 68 00:04:04,760 --> 00:04:07,020 But he still called his parents once a week. 69 00:04:07,020 --> 00:04:10,360 He called them, it seemed, about every Sunday to chat and catch up with them. 70 00:04:10,360 --> 00:04:19,080 He also had a brand new Maroon 1979 Grand Prix, which imagine being 20, moving to Florida, 71 00:04:19,080 --> 00:04:20,640 and having this brand new car. 72 00:04:20,640 --> 00:04:22,720 Like, he was living a good life. 73 00:04:22,720 --> 00:04:24,120 You know, he was doing his passion. 74 00:04:24,120 --> 00:04:27,220 He was doing what he loved, which was working with golf. 75 00:04:27,220 --> 00:04:32,200 It appears that Mike was only in Florida for a couple of weeks working at this job at the 76 00:04:32,200 --> 00:04:36,000 President's Country Club when he decided that he wanted to stay permanently. 77 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:42,360 He was going to move down here and look for apartments and make his home base. 78 00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:48,760 Everyone that knew Mike and loved Mike described him as a very caring and kind person. 79 00:04:48,760 --> 00:04:51,140 He was a great friend. 80 00:04:51,140 --> 00:04:53,520 Not just a good friend, a great friend. 81 00:04:53,520 --> 00:04:58,680 He really kind of went out of his way for those that he loved and wanted to be there 82 00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:00,520 for those he loved. 83 00:05:00,520 --> 00:05:02,620 Paige Neenaber puts it perfectly. 84 00:05:02,620 --> 00:05:09,000 He says, great guy, great friend, which I think sums Mike up really beautifully at this 85 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:10,560 time in his life. 86 00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:14,400 And that brings us into the timeline of events. 87 00:05:14,400 --> 00:05:19,800 So our timeline begins Friday, November 30th, 1979. 88 00:05:19,800 --> 00:05:23,860 Mike had the day off of work, so he started his day heading over to the President's Country 89 00:05:23,860 --> 00:05:26,060 Club and he played a round of golf. 90 00:05:26,060 --> 00:05:29,860 And I also believed he picked up his paycheck at this time. 91 00:05:29,860 --> 00:05:35,500 After playing a round of golf, I do believe that Mike does stop at a bank. 92 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:41,260 We know that his parents did send him a $700 check that was cashed that day. 93 00:05:41,260 --> 00:05:46,120 So I think he goes to the bank and cashes his parents' check and then his paycheck. 94 00:05:46,120 --> 00:05:49,680 So he has a couple thousand dollars on him at this point. 95 00:05:49,680 --> 00:05:54,520 So with that cash in hand, Mike heads to a rental agency there in West Palm Beach. 96 00:05:54,520 --> 00:05:59,400 He was trying to find a permanent place to live because he was staying at this hotel. 97 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:02,160 He was ready to make the move, make the decision. 98 00:06:02,160 --> 00:06:04,860 So he went to a rental agency to talk to them. 99 00:06:04,860 --> 00:06:10,040 What happens kind of between those morning, afternoon activities to the evening? 100 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:15,000 Not quite sure, but the next time we really know Mike's movements for that day is around 101 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:16,160 6 p.m. 102 00:06:16,160 --> 00:06:21,200 At 6 p.m., he meets up with some coworkers and they head to a dog track to watch some 103 00:06:21,200 --> 00:06:22,240 races. 104 00:06:22,240 --> 00:06:26,480 This is called the Palm Beach Kennel Club and it's still there to this day. 105 00:06:26,480 --> 00:06:30,880 It was about a mile from the hotel he was staying at, so it's all in that same area. 106 00:06:30,880 --> 00:06:34,720 According to Mike's friends, they stayed there until the track closed. 107 00:06:34,720 --> 00:06:40,200 They watched several races and Mike was betting on some of the races, but it's unclear if 108 00:06:40,200 --> 00:06:43,520 he won, if he lost, if he kind of just broke even. 109 00:06:43,520 --> 00:06:45,360 There's no real details around that. 110 00:06:45,360 --> 00:06:51,320 But we do know that he had the money from his earlier excursion to the bank. 111 00:06:51,320 --> 00:06:56,160 So after the last race of the night at the Kennel Club, Mike is driving his Grand Prix 112 00:06:56,160 --> 00:07:00,440 and him and his friends, his coworkers, they leave and head to a bar. 113 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:04,880 This bar at that time was called Wild Side Lounge and they head there because there was 114 00:07:04,880 --> 00:07:09,560 going to be a broadcast of a boxing match around 2 a.m. from the reports that I could 115 00:07:09,560 --> 00:07:10,560 find. 116 00:07:10,560 --> 00:07:14,840 So Mike and his friends head to that bar, watch the boxing match, and then they kind 117 00:07:14,840 --> 00:07:16,520 of start bar hopping. 118 00:07:16,520 --> 00:07:21,240 There are reports that they went to another bar, but I couldn't find the name of the bar 119 00:07:21,240 --> 00:07:22,800 or any details around it. 120 00:07:22,800 --> 00:07:27,080 So it seems like they're at the Wild Side Lounge. 121 00:07:27,080 --> 00:07:29,960 They go to another bar, maybe for a little bit. 122 00:07:29,960 --> 00:07:33,580 But then the next bar they head to is Mr. G's. 123 00:07:33,580 --> 00:07:36,760 And that's the last bar that they're at for this evening. 124 00:07:36,760 --> 00:07:42,760 Again, it's unclear exactly what time they show up to Mr. G's, but this is a 4 a.m. bar 125 00:07:42,760 --> 00:07:44,460 and they stay until close. 126 00:07:44,460 --> 00:07:47,740 So this brings us into December 1st for sure. 127 00:07:47,740 --> 00:07:50,460 So Mike and his friends, they're at the bar, they're having a good time. 128 00:07:50,460 --> 00:07:52,200 They stay until 4 a.m. 129 00:07:52,200 --> 00:07:57,840 And despite being out kind of all evening and bar hopping, according to his friends, 130 00:07:57,840 --> 00:07:59,780 Mike wasn't drinking a lot. 131 00:07:59,780 --> 00:08:01,100 Mike was driving that night. 132 00:08:01,100 --> 00:08:02,660 He was driving his friends around. 133 00:08:02,660 --> 00:08:07,840 So I believe he was being responsible and not getting intoxicated so that way he would 134 00:08:07,840 --> 00:08:10,240 be in a good state to drive his friends. 135 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:14,720 None of his friends say that he drank a lot or that he was drunk by the end of the evening. 136 00:08:14,720 --> 00:08:21,280 So after Mr. G's closes down at 4 a.m., Mike gives his friend a ride to his car, which 137 00:08:21,280 --> 00:08:23,920 was back towards the racetrack. 138 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:27,200 There's a church near the racetrack called Belvedere Baptist Church. 139 00:08:27,200 --> 00:08:28,720 Again, this is still there. 140 00:08:28,720 --> 00:08:31,240 You can see the racetrack from their parking lot. 141 00:08:31,240 --> 00:08:37,080 And at that time in 1979, and apparently still happening to this day, people will park at 142 00:08:37,080 --> 00:08:42,920 the church and then walk over to the racetracks because you have to pay to park at the racetrack. 143 00:08:42,920 --> 00:08:45,540 So if you park at the church and just walk over, it's free. 144 00:08:45,540 --> 00:08:48,200 So that's where Mike's friend's car was. 145 00:08:48,200 --> 00:08:50,480 Mike drives his friend to his car. 146 00:08:50,480 --> 00:08:52,880 It's between 4.30, 5 a.m. 147 00:08:52,880 --> 00:08:56,640 And Mike says, quote, I'll see you at work in the morning, end quote. 148 00:08:56,640 --> 00:09:00,140 Now in my book, this is 4.30, 5 o'clock. 149 00:09:00,140 --> 00:09:01,320 This is morning to me. 150 00:09:01,320 --> 00:09:03,240 But to them, this is the end of the night. 151 00:09:03,240 --> 00:09:07,180 And apparently, Mike had to work at around 7 a.m. 152 00:09:07,180 --> 00:09:10,960 So it seemed like he was really just going to go home and change, maybe wash up and then 153 00:09:10,960 --> 00:09:12,640 head into work that day. 154 00:09:12,640 --> 00:09:17,120 But from the church where Mike dropped his friend off to the hotel that he was staying 155 00:09:17,120 --> 00:09:22,160 at, the Howard Johnson Hotel, it was only an eight minute drive. 156 00:09:22,160 --> 00:09:26,840 Mike's friend sees him drive away and he assumes he's headed to his hotel. 157 00:09:26,840 --> 00:09:31,280 But a few hours later at work, Mike never shows up for work. 158 00:09:31,280 --> 00:09:35,600 His other friends do that were out with him the night before, but Mike doesn't make it. 159 00:09:35,600 --> 00:09:41,280 Now if I was in this position as a friend, I wouldn't necessarily be immediately worried. 160 00:09:41,280 --> 00:09:44,440 I would think we were out till 4.30, 5 a.m. 161 00:09:44,440 --> 00:09:46,960 I bet he fell asleep and didn't set an alarm. 162 00:09:46,960 --> 00:09:50,680 That would be my thought as to why my friend didn't show up that I just saw a few hours 163 00:09:50,680 --> 00:09:51,680 ago. 164 00:09:51,680 --> 00:09:56,240 But after their shift ends, Mike's friends head over to the Howard Johnson Hotel that 165 00:09:56,240 --> 00:09:58,920 was just off of Okeechobee Boulevard there. 166 00:09:58,920 --> 00:10:03,440 When they drive over to the hotel, they look around the parking lot and they don't see 167 00:10:03,440 --> 00:10:06,560 his maroon Grand Prix anywhere. 168 00:10:06,560 --> 00:10:10,680 And according to newspaper reports, it was in the evening when they went over there, 169 00:10:10,680 --> 00:10:12,320 so they couldn't find his car. 170 00:10:12,320 --> 00:10:16,280 So that was the end of Saturday, December the 1st. 171 00:10:16,280 --> 00:10:22,200 On Sunday, December 2nd, Mike's friends drive back over to the Howard Johnson Hotel to see 172 00:10:22,200 --> 00:10:24,840 if his car is there or if he's there now. 173 00:10:24,840 --> 00:10:28,880 There's still no signs of the Grand Prix in the parking lot, so Mike's friends head 174 00:10:28,880 --> 00:10:31,480 into the hotel to speak to the clerk. 175 00:10:31,480 --> 00:10:35,480 Whenever they speak to the clerk, the clerk goes up to Michael's room. 176 00:10:35,480 --> 00:10:38,040 I believe he was staying in room 114. 177 00:10:38,040 --> 00:10:41,580 And when they unlock the door, all of his possessions are still there. 178 00:10:41,580 --> 00:10:42,920 His clothes are still there. 179 00:10:42,920 --> 00:10:45,900 They know his golf clubs are at the country club. 180 00:10:45,900 --> 00:10:51,000 So it seems like everything is there except for Mike and his car. 181 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:54,920 The clerk at the hotel thinks that Mike skipped out on his bill. 182 00:10:54,920 --> 00:11:00,480 And so the clerk calls police to report this, like, bill skipping, essentially, that somebody 183 00:11:00,480 --> 00:11:02,740 left without paying. 184 00:11:02,740 --> 00:11:09,360 So this is the first time the police are kind of alerted that Mike is not there, but because 185 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:11,400 they think he skipped out on a bill. 186 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:14,320 Not necessarily because he's missing. 187 00:11:14,320 --> 00:11:19,120 On Monday, December 3, Mike still doesn't show up for work. 188 00:11:19,120 --> 00:11:24,360 So his bosses at the presidential country club call the old golf course that he used to work 189 00:11:24,360 --> 00:11:28,160 at in Minnesota to see, hey, did he show up there? 190 00:11:28,160 --> 00:11:29,160 Is Mike with you? 191 00:11:29,160 --> 00:11:30,840 Did he go back home? 192 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:34,480 But they haven't heard from him since he left for Florida. 193 00:11:34,480 --> 00:11:40,920 So according to newspapers, Mike's boss at the country club in West Palm Beach then 194 00:11:40,920 --> 00:11:45,920 calls his parents in Minnesota to say, hey, Mike is missing. 195 00:11:45,920 --> 00:11:49,480 And this is the first time that his parents are made aware of it. 196 00:11:49,480 --> 00:11:52,140 They were expecting a call from him on Sunday. 197 00:11:52,140 --> 00:11:54,720 That seems to be the typical day he called. 198 00:11:54,720 --> 00:11:57,160 But they didn't get the call that day. 199 00:11:57,160 --> 00:12:01,880 But the next day when they hear he's missing, they are floored by this news. 200 00:12:01,880 --> 00:12:04,840 They have no idea why he would be missing. 201 00:12:04,840 --> 00:12:06,080 He's not into drugs. 202 00:12:06,080 --> 00:12:07,780 He doesn't have a lot of debt. 203 00:12:07,780 --> 00:12:10,800 They just sent him that $700. 204 00:12:10,800 --> 00:12:16,120 And Mike's parents believe that if he had perhaps gambled all his money away and lost 205 00:12:16,120 --> 00:12:20,280 all his money at the racetracks, that he would still come to them for help. 206 00:12:20,280 --> 00:12:22,400 He wouldn't just disappear. 207 00:12:22,400 --> 00:12:26,320 He was the type of guy who would ask for help when he needed it. 208 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:32,600 Once Mike's parents know that he's missing, they call the West Palm Beach Police Department 209 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:35,180 to report him missing. 210 00:12:35,180 --> 00:12:41,560 Because then a BOLO, a Be on the Lookout, is issued for Mike and his maroon 1979 Grand 211 00:12:41,560 --> 00:12:42,560 Prix. 212 00:12:42,560 --> 00:12:48,400 But it's really unclear beyond that what the police are doing at this time to track 213 00:12:48,400 --> 00:12:49,400 him down. 214 00:12:49,400 --> 00:12:52,160 I found a quote from December 7. 215 00:12:52,160 --> 00:12:55,560 So this would be about a week after Mike went missing. 216 00:12:55,560 --> 00:12:59,360 And this is from Detective Sergeant Richard Engelhardt. 217 00:12:59,360 --> 00:13:01,840 He says, quote, he's a young man. 218 00:13:01,840 --> 00:13:03,360 He has a nice car. 219 00:13:03,360 --> 00:13:04,600 He has money. 220 00:13:04,600 --> 00:13:08,000 If that's all we knew about him, I'd say he's with a girl. 221 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:11,000 But in this case, the time is too long. 222 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:14,480 There's something else involved, and I'm afraid it's not good. 223 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:15,800 End quote. 224 00:13:15,800 --> 00:13:21,260 So what I gather from that quote to kind of fill in the pieces of what police did and 225 00:13:21,260 --> 00:13:25,880 didn't do during that first week that he's missing, it really seems like they just chalk 226 00:13:25,880 --> 00:13:28,480 it all up to he's a young guy. 227 00:13:28,480 --> 00:13:29,640 He's probably out. 228 00:13:29,640 --> 00:13:30,640 He has money. 229 00:13:30,640 --> 00:13:31,840 He has a nice car. 230 00:13:31,840 --> 00:13:33,480 And he's over 18. 231 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:34,480 He's an adult. 232 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:36,240 He can go wherever he wants to go. 233 00:13:36,240 --> 00:13:42,200 I was able to find that while police were interviewing Mike's friends and asking them 234 00:13:42,200 --> 00:13:48,840 about their last night out and what went on, Mike did seem to mention that he had a 1200 235 00:13:48,840 --> 00:13:53,040 mile drive ahead of him, but he never brought it up again. 236 00:13:53,040 --> 00:13:56,840 And none of his friends knew what he was talking about. 237 00:13:56,840 --> 00:14:02,000 Now I just typed in Google Maps from West Palm Beach to Edina, which is his hometown 238 00:14:02,000 --> 00:14:03,800 where his parents are from. 239 00:14:03,800 --> 00:14:09,160 It's around 1700 miles, not exactly 1200, but I don't know if that's what he was 240 00:14:09,160 --> 00:14:12,480 referencing that he was going to head home or head somewhere else. 241 00:14:12,480 --> 00:14:18,560 But it was a 1200 mile trip that was mentioned just briefly once by Mike. 242 00:14:18,560 --> 00:14:23,960 And from the report, it does sound like he mentioned this trip just a couple of days 243 00:14:23,960 --> 00:14:26,280 before he went missing. 244 00:14:26,280 --> 00:14:30,920 In January of 1980, so it's been about a month now that Mike has been missing, police 245 00:14:30,920 --> 00:14:35,680 do offer a $500 reward for information leading to him. 246 00:14:35,680 --> 00:14:42,680 But Mike's parents, however, they wanted answers and I'm sure felt just very helpless 247 00:14:42,680 --> 00:14:44,680 being so far away. 248 00:14:44,680 --> 00:14:49,760 So just a few weeks after Mike disappeared, his family hires a well known PI in the West 249 00:14:49,760 --> 00:14:51,400 Palm Beach area. 250 00:14:51,400 --> 00:14:53,640 His name is Jack Harwood. 251 00:14:53,640 --> 00:14:55,960 And Jack starts digging into this case. 252 00:14:55,960 --> 00:15:03,320 And after a few months of investigating it, Jack does believe that Mike met foul play. 253 00:15:03,320 --> 00:15:06,320 He says, quote, I think the kid is dead. 254 00:15:06,320 --> 00:15:08,720 A kid like that doesn't just disappear. 255 00:15:08,720 --> 00:15:10,240 I've checked everything. 256 00:15:10,240 --> 00:15:15,760 He wasn't in drugs, nor did he owe money or have a girl who might have caused problems. 257 00:15:15,760 --> 00:15:20,540 The only thing I can think of is that maybe somebody saw he had a little money and a new 258 00:15:20,540 --> 00:15:22,720 Grand Prix and killed him for it. 259 00:15:22,720 --> 00:15:26,760 But even then, he wouldn't just vanish from the face of the earth. 260 00:15:26,760 --> 00:15:32,560 Somebody would know something or have seen something or his car would show up, end quote. 261 00:15:32,560 --> 00:15:36,960 So at this point, Mike has disappeared without a trace, him and his car. 262 00:15:36,960 --> 00:15:43,120 Jack Harwood, the PI, he does write to every single guest that was at the hotel that night. 263 00:15:43,120 --> 00:15:45,800 He uses the hotel records. 264 00:15:45,800 --> 00:15:51,160 But during that time, a lot of people would give a fake name or a fake address if they 265 00:15:51,160 --> 00:15:52,760 were trying to lay low. 266 00:15:52,760 --> 00:15:55,940 So he writes to everybody that he can find. 267 00:15:55,940 --> 00:15:59,760 And eventually, he does hear back from a couple from Arizona. 268 00:15:59,760 --> 00:16:03,720 And they say that they stayed in the room that was right above Michael on the second 269 00:16:03,720 --> 00:16:04,820 floor. 270 00:16:04,820 --> 00:16:09,160 This couple says that they heard what sounded like a scuffle in the parking lot, but they 271 00:16:09,160 --> 00:16:10,600 didn't get up to look. 272 00:16:10,600 --> 00:16:13,860 They were minding their own business, is what they said. 273 00:16:13,860 --> 00:16:21,700 So from this information, Jack Harwood theorizes that Mike was jumped in the parking lot that 274 00:16:21,700 --> 00:16:24,280 night before he entered his room. 275 00:16:24,280 --> 00:16:29,920 But no guests reported a disturbance on December 1. 276 00:16:29,920 --> 00:16:34,720 It was only months afterwards that this couple wrote back to say that they did hear a scuffle 277 00:16:34,720 --> 00:16:36,400 in the parking lot. 278 00:16:36,400 --> 00:16:40,160 And then there's no real big updates on the case. 279 00:16:40,160 --> 00:16:46,160 Jack Harwood does continue to work on the case for the family kind of behind the scenes. 280 00:16:46,160 --> 00:16:52,480 But in April of 1982, this is about two and a half years after Mike disappeared, the reward 281 00:16:52,480 --> 00:16:59,280 is increased to $10,000 for information leading to him or his car. 282 00:16:59,280 --> 00:17:03,800 In July of 1984, Jack Harwood is still working on this case. 283 00:17:03,800 --> 00:17:06,800 But he says he's working on this case kind of pro bono. 284 00:17:06,800 --> 00:17:12,160 He's just very committed to this family and to helping them into solving what happened 285 00:17:12,160 --> 00:17:13,160 to Mike. 286 00:17:13,160 --> 00:17:17,480 Now, I mentioned before that Jack Harwood, he wrote to all the guests that were in the 287 00:17:17,480 --> 00:17:19,040 hotel. 288 00:17:19,040 --> 00:17:24,280 While reviewing the records, Jack noticed that there was a guest with a home address 289 00:17:24,280 --> 00:17:26,360 from Loxahatchee. 290 00:17:26,360 --> 00:17:30,760 And he says, quote, what struck me was that Loxahatchee was spelled right. 291 00:17:30,760 --> 00:17:33,480 Not too many people know how to spell Loxahatchee. 292 00:17:33,480 --> 00:17:37,640 And I figured that it had to be somebody from out around there, end quote. 293 00:17:37,640 --> 00:17:44,660 The Loxahatchee address is significant for Jack Harwood because he theorizes that perhaps 294 00:17:44,660 --> 00:17:50,560 Mike met serial killer Christopher Wilder, who's also known as the beauty queen killer 295 00:17:50,560 --> 00:17:53,320 for those of us who are familiar. 296 00:17:53,320 --> 00:17:59,400 So Wilder had spent time in Loxahatchee, which is how Jack made that connection between the 297 00:17:59,400 --> 00:18:02,960 address in the guest book and Christopher Wilder. 298 00:18:02,960 --> 00:18:07,040 Jack Harwood says this about Christopher Wilder, quote, there's a chance he might be the 299 00:18:07,040 --> 00:18:08,040 guy. 300 00:18:08,040 --> 00:18:11,160 He liked to hang around those bars where there was a lot of action. 301 00:18:11,160 --> 00:18:15,880 Maybe he saw this kid pick up a girl and he liked the girl and killed the kid to get to 302 00:18:15,880 --> 00:18:18,000 the girl, end quote. 303 00:18:18,000 --> 00:18:23,280 Now, Christopher Wilder is a serial killer, but he was really only active for around a 304 00:18:23,280 --> 00:18:25,360 six week period. 305 00:18:25,360 --> 00:18:30,800 So from February 26th, 1984 to April 13th, 1984. 306 00:18:30,800 --> 00:18:35,880 So this would have been four years after Mike disappeared that Wilder really started in 307 00:18:35,880 --> 00:18:37,040 on his killing spree. 308 00:18:37,040 --> 00:18:43,880 But of course, we don't know if that is where he started or if he had done anything beforehand. 309 00:18:43,880 --> 00:18:50,160 But he was very active during February of 1984 till April of 1984, when he was eventually 310 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:51,720 killed by police. 311 00:18:51,720 --> 00:18:57,720 However, Christopher Wilder is believed to have been very good at hiding bodies and getting 312 00:18:57,720 --> 00:18:59,000 rid of bodies. 313 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:03,840 Jack Harwood says, quote, if he dumped the body out in some canal, you'll never find 314 00:19:03,840 --> 00:19:04,840 it. 315 00:19:04,840 --> 00:19:09,560 The danger with Wilder is that everybody will be trying to clear their file with him. 316 00:19:09,560 --> 00:19:11,880 But this is one case that really gets to me. 317 00:19:11,880 --> 00:19:17,140 The family's money ran out a long time ago, but I'll never stop working it, end quote. 318 00:19:17,140 --> 00:19:22,680 So Jack Harwood kind of theorizes here that, like I mentioned, that Mike might have picked 319 00:19:22,680 --> 00:19:27,840 up a girl who Wilder would have liked and then killed Mike to get to the girl. 320 00:19:27,840 --> 00:19:33,400 But this doesn't seem to be supported by what we know happens, because Mike dropped 321 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:37,720 his friend off at his car that was in the church parking lot. 322 00:19:37,720 --> 00:19:42,160 And at least to my knowledge, there was no mention that there was a girl with them at 323 00:19:42,160 --> 00:19:43,560 that time. 324 00:19:43,560 --> 00:19:48,440 And it being around 4.35 a.m. in the morning when he did this drop off with his friend, 325 00:19:48,440 --> 00:19:53,980 I find it unlikely that he would then go back to the bar to pick up a girl who was waiting 326 00:19:53,980 --> 00:19:58,760 on him to then go home when he had to work in a few hours. 327 00:19:58,760 --> 00:20:02,320 The evidence that I have found or the facts that I have found in this case doesn't really 328 00:20:02,320 --> 00:20:05,160 seem to support this theory at all. 329 00:20:05,160 --> 00:20:11,480 And from what we know about Christopher Wilder, he seemed to have just killed women and young 330 00:20:11,480 --> 00:20:12,480 girls. 331 00:20:12,480 --> 00:20:18,980 There's never any evidence that Wilder ever killed a man that we know of. 332 00:20:18,980 --> 00:20:22,360 So that's really when the case goes cold. 333 00:20:22,360 --> 00:20:28,720 However, as I mentioned at the beginning, Paige Nienaber, Mike's friend from high school, 334 00:20:28,720 --> 00:20:34,160 really took up this case and has been the driving force of finding answers, I would 335 00:20:34,160 --> 00:20:35,160 say. 336 00:20:35,160 --> 00:20:40,320 In August of 2023, so this is just a few months ago, Paige reached out to Dark Water Dive 337 00:20:40,320 --> 00:20:48,200 Center and they are a non-for-profit organization that help search waterways for missing people. 338 00:20:48,200 --> 00:20:54,520 And they searched the local waterways around West Palm Beach to see if they could find 339 00:20:54,520 --> 00:20:55,820 Mike's car. 340 00:20:55,820 --> 00:21:00,800 That was the big piece that they were looking for, his 1979 Maroon Grand Prix. 341 00:21:00,800 --> 00:21:05,240 And to my knowledge, this is the first time that the waterways have been searched in regards 342 00:21:05,240 --> 00:21:06,240 to Mike. 343 00:21:06,240 --> 00:21:09,360 But there was nothing found in that initial search. 344 00:21:09,360 --> 00:21:12,280 But that is almost to be expected. 345 00:21:12,280 --> 00:21:14,220 It's a process of elimination. 346 00:21:14,220 --> 00:21:17,760 So they know they searched this one so they can cross that out and they just have to keep 347 00:21:17,760 --> 00:21:18,760 going. 348 00:21:18,760 --> 00:21:25,000 But truly, that is the last we know of what happened to Mike Olson. 349 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:30,040 As I've mentioned, Paige has been a driving force in getting this case out there, getting 350 00:21:30,040 --> 00:21:34,320 the facts out there about Mike and just getting people to think about Mike. 351 00:21:34,320 --> 00:21:39,800 And in the show notes, I'm going to link Paige's YouTube video that he did on Mike's 352 00:21:39,800 --> 00:21:40,800 case. 353 00:21:40,800 --> 00:21:45,520 It's a really well done video where Paige goes to the different spots that we talked 354 00:21:45,520 --> 00:21:46,520 about. 355 00:21:46,520 --> 00:21:50,080 She did the Wild Side Lounge, the Kennel Club, Mr. G's. 356 00:21:50,080 --> 00:21:56,720 So you really get a visual, not only for how close all of these things were, but just how 357 00:21:56,720 --> 00:21:58,960 busy this area is. 358 00:21:58,960 --> 00:22:03,920 Okeechobee Avenue in West Palm Beach is a very active avenue. 359 00:22:03,920 --> 00:22:11,520 So for it being such a popular part of town, just a popular city, even at 4.35 a.m., people 360 00:22:11,520 --> 00:22:12,520 are going to be out. 361 00:22:12,520 --> 00:22:16,020 They're going to be ending their night, maybe like Mike was, or they're going to be starting 362 00:22:16,020 --> 00:22:19,440 their day, going to the gym, going out, going for walks and runs. 363 00:22:19,440 --> 00:22:26,360 So somebody saw something that morning of December 1st, 1979. 364 00:22:26,360 --> 00:22:33,120 And if you know anything about the disappearance of Mike Olson or the whereabouts of his 1979 365 00:22:33,120 --> 00:22:42,160 Grand Prix, you are encouraged to call the Palm Beach Police Department at 561-822-1900. 366 00:22:42,160 --> 00:22:47,360 The sources for the timeline today, as mentioned, one of them comes from Paige's YouTube channel, 367 00:22:47,360 --> 00:22:49,200 which will be linked in the show notes below. 368 00:22:49,200 --> 00:22:53,560 If you want to check that out, I highly recommend it to get more details and visuals about this 369 00:22:53,560 --> 00:22:54,560 case. 370 00:22:54,560 --> 00:22:58,400 The Minneapolis Star, the Palm Beach Post, and Fort Lauderdale News. 371 00:22:58,400 --> 00:23:02,180 So that is the case of Mike Olson. 372 00:23:02,180 --> 00:23:07,160 And again, I just want to say thank you to Paige for bringing this case to my attention. 373 00:23:07,160 --> 00:23:13,160 And just as a general rule or blanket statement for this podcast, if there is a case that 374 00:23:13,160 --> 00:23:17,800 is personal to you or maybe just one that like you feel passionate about that you don't 375 00:23:17,800 --> 00:23:22,000 think it's enough news coverage, please send it my way. 376 00:23:22,000 --> 00:23:28,320 You can email us coldandmissingatgmail.com or reach out to us on our website coldandmissing.com. 377 00:23:28,320 --> 00:23:34,060 But with this case, what really struck me was the details of the night. 378 00:23:34,060 --> 00:23:37,680 We have so many details about the night that Mike went out, you know, we know that he's 379 00:23:37,680 --> 00:23:41,540 at the racetracks and he stays there stays there until it closes. 380 00:23:41,540 --> 00:23:44,000 And then, you know, he's making some bets there. 381 00:23:44,000 --> 00:23:49,000 And then they go and watch this get this boxing match at another bar and then possibly head 382 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:54,000 to another one and then finally end at Mr. G's, which they closed down at 4am. 383 00:23:54,000 --> 00:23:58,520 Like we really know Mike's whereabouts the night he went missing. 384 00:23:58,520 --> 00:24:04,720 The only blank time that we really have for that evening is the roughly two hours after 385 00:24:04,720 --> 00:24:07,440 Mike drops his friend off at his car. 386 00:24:07,440 --> 00:24:11,840 He was an eight minute drive from the hotel he was staying at, and he was due to work 387 00:24:11,840 --> 00:24:14,640 at around 7am. 388 00:24:14,640 --> 00:24:17,560 So that's really where it happened. 389 00:24:17,560 --> 00:24:24,400 And by all accounts, it sounds like Mike didn't make it back into his room at the Howard Johnson 390 00:24:24,400 --> 00:24:25,880 Hotel. 391 00:24:25,880 --> 00:24:32,000 So it kind of feels like it's really just that eight to maybe 10 minutes it would have 392 00:24:32,000 --> 00:24:37,960 taken him to drive from the church parking lot to his hotel parking lot. 393 00:24:37,960 --> 00:24:40,800 So that's really where this mystery comes down to. 394 00:24:40,800 --> 00:24:47,920 And police seem to think that maybe somebody just noticed that he had a lot of money. 395 00:24:47,920 --> 00:24:53,960 And that seems to kind of be the prevailing thought, you know, when this case is discussed 396 00:24:53,960 --> 00:24:58,600 online on online forums like Websleuth or Reddit or, you know, anything like that. 397 00:24:58,600 --> 00:25:00,320 But I think it does make sense here. 398 00:25:00,320 --> 00:25:05,000 You know, we know he cashed his $700 check from his parents and that he had just been 399 00:25:05,000 --> 00:25:07,040 paid and that was cashed as well. 400 00:25:07,040 --> 00:25:10,560 So he had cash on him that day. 401 00:25:10,560 --> 00:25:12,560 I don't know if he brought it all with him. 402 00:25:12,560 --> 00:25:17,600 It's never been publicly discussed if they found money in his room. 403 00:25:17,600 --> 00:25:23,960 But he had this brand new 1979 Grand Prix maroon car. 404 00:25:23,960 --> 00:25:25,280 Like he's 20. 405 00:25:25,280 --> 00:25:26,280 He's got money. 406 00:25:26,280 --> 00:25:27,280 He's got a car. 407 00:25:27,280 --> 00:25:29,880 He's, you know, kind of a hot shot right now. 408 00:25:29,880 --> 00:25:36,000 And did someone take notice of that and want some of the money, want the car? 409 00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:38,740 And it was a robbery that went wrong. 410 00:25:38,740 --> 00:25:42,520 You know, from this point, it's just like wild speculation about what could have happened 411 00:25:42,520 --> 00:25:43,520 to him. 412 00:25:43,520 --> 00:25:47,720 But that couple from Arizona, that's kind of something I keep coming back to of them 413 00:25:47,720 --> 00:25:51,880 hearing a scuffle, but, you know, just kind of minding their own business. 414 00:25:51,880 --> 00:25:53,320 They didn't want to report it. 415 00:25:53,320 --> 00:25:55,720 They didn't look outside to investigate it. 416 00:25:55,720 --> 00:25:58,920 But they did hear kind of a disturbance in the parking lot. 417 00:25:58,920 --> 00:26:02,720 So it could have happened in the hotel parking lot. 418 00:26:02,720 --> 00:26:08,640 Maybe somebody followed him and made their move there in the parking lot. 419 00:26:08,640 --> 00:26:15,280 This is 1979, so, you know, there's no real CCTV footage from the parking lot that night. 420 00:26:15,280 --> 00:26:18,480 But it is just like sad to me. 421 00:26:18,480 --> 00:26:22,640 Like, you know, it sounds like he was trying to be responsible. 422 00:26:22,640 --> 00:26:24,840 He made sure his friends got home. 423 00:26:24,840 --> 00:26:30,820 And then what should have just been a really quick turnaround, something happened to somebody 424 00:26:30,820 --> 00:26:34,860 who was, you know, doing everything right. 425 00:26:34,860 --> 00:26:36,900 And that's just like, that kills me. 426 00:26:36,900 --> 00:26:41,680 And the fact that he, that we've never been able to find his car, like, cars don't, like, 427 00:26:41,680 --> 00:26:44,560 people don't disappear and cars don't disappear from this planet. 428 00:26:44,560 --> 00:26:46,640 So where is that car? 429 00:26:46,640 --> 00:26:53,440 I do think Paige is on the right track of, like, contacting these organizations that 430 00:26:53,440 --> 00:26:57,760 search waterways that have the means and the people and the know how to do it. 431 00:26:57,760 --> 00:27:02,480 Because to me, that makes a lot of sense that if you needed to get rid of a car in a hurry, 432 00:27:02,480 --> 00:27:05,880 the fastest way would probably be to sink it. 433 00:27:05,880 --> 00:27:09,600 I am very hopeful in this case. 434 00:27:09,600 --> 00:27:14,960 A lot because of Paige's involvement, like, he's really hitting the pavement, emailing 435 00:27:14,960 --> 00:27:19,160 podcasts, making sure that Mike is not forgotten at all. 436 00:27:19,160 --> 00:27:23,760 And when that kind of pressure is put out there and when somebody is, you know, really 437 00:27:23,760 --> 00:27:28,200 kind of actively investigating from the outside the way that Paige is, it puts pressure on 438 00:27:28,200 --> 00:27:31,120 police to also be doing that. 439 00:27:31,120 --> 00:27:33,600 Because people will want to know, like, why? 440 00:27:33,600 --> 00:27:38,700 Why don't we have this answer to why this young man disappeared, right? 441 00:27:38,700 --> 00:27:43,720 When he was, like, starting his life and just building exactly what he wanted. 442 00:27:43,720 --> 00:27:44,720 Why was it cut short? 443 00:27:44,720 --> 00:27:46,180 Like, we need that answer. 444 00:27:46,180 --> 00:27:48,160 His family deserves that answer. 445 00:27:48,160 --> 00:27:54,120 He has siblings, he has nieces and nephews now that want to know what happened to him. 446 00:27:54,120 --> 00:27:59,280 But with advocates like Paige and podcasts like ours and listeners like you, like, we 447 00:27:59,280 --> 00:28:06,000 are all helping get his name out there again and to be thinking of him kind of collectively. 448 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:12,100 You know, I really believe in, like, the power of prayers and meditations and thoughtfulness 449 00:28:12,100 --> 00:28:14,440 and just being really mindful of your thoughts. 450 00:28:14,440 --> 00:28:19,680 And I believe that, like, we can get answers for what happened to Mike and bring those 451 00:28:19,680 --> 00:28:22,600 answers to his family that are looking for them. 452 00:28:22,600 --> 00:28:27,840 So again, if you know anything about what happened to Mike Olsen in December of 1979 453 00:28:27,840 --> 00:28:37,120 in West Palm Beach, Florida, please call the Palm Beach Police Department at 561-822-1900. 454 00:28:37,120 --> 00:28:43,440 As I kind of mentioned earlier, if you have a case that you are very passionate about, 455 00:28:43,440 --> 00:28:47,760 maybe that is very personal to you, somebody you went to high school with, somebody that 456 00:28:47,760 --> 00:28:52,940 you knew, or maybe even somebody in your own family, if that is a case that you would like 457 00:28:52,940 --> 00:28:58,240 us to cover and research, please email us at coldandmissingatgmail.com. 458 00:28:58,240 --> 00:29:03,600 Or you can head over to our website, coldandmissing.com, where we also will have transcripts of the 459 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:05,080 episode. 460 00:29:05,080 --> 00:29:10,640 So if you or someone you know is hard of hearing, you can read along with the podcast and the 461 00:29:10,640 --> 00:29:13,000 transcript will be right on there. 462 00:29:13,000 --> 00:29:17,000 And again, I know I mentioned it at the top, but thank you so much to everyone who rated 463 00:29:17,000 --> 00:29:18,700 and reviewed us recently. 464 00:29:18,700 --> 00:29:21,800 It has been so meaningful to me. 465 00:29:21,800 --> 00:29:24,220 And thank you if you are joining us on YouTube. 466 00:29:24,220 --> 00:29:27,360 We have a lot of subscribers joining us daily over there. 467 00:29:27,360 --> 00:29:29,160 So thank you so much for that. 468 00:29:29,160 --> 00:29:32,920 I know it's, I don't do anything fancy on the YouTube. 469 00:29:32,920 --> 00:29:36,080 It's really just the podcast with a picture on a video. 470 00:29:36,080 --> 00:29:40,960 But I really appreciate everyone on YouTube who stays, who listens, and we have great 471 00:29:40,960 --> 00:29:42,440 conversations in the comments. 472 00:29:42,440 --> 00:29:46,320 So if maybe that's how you like to enjoy your podcast, we're also over there. 473 00:29:46,320 --> 00:29:48,160 You can find us there and subscribe. 474 00:29:48,160 --> 00:29:51,640 We will also be posting pictures of Mike on our Instagram this week. 475 00:29:51,640 --> 00:29:56,680 So if you're not already, please follow us at cold and missing on Instagram, you should 476 00:29:56,680 --> 00:29:58,820 search us and we'll pop right up. 477 00:29:58,820 --> 00:30:03,080 And also there, you know, we post active missing person reports that are coming out by the 478 00:30:03,080 --> 00:30:04,080 day. 479 00:30:04,080 --> 00:30:05,700 So those are always in our stories. 480 00:30:05,700 --> 00:30:09,560 And also, you know, if there's ever a reason that we're not going to get an episode out 481 00:30:09,560 --> 00:30:14,760 as intended or as promised, then we will put it on our Instagram. 482 00:30:14,760 --> 00:30:16,680 And so you can always stay informed. 483 00:30:16,680 --> 00:30:22,440 I always want to keep you guys informed because it means a lot to me that I'm a part of your 484 00:30:22,440 --> 00:30:25,320 week and that you're here with me and listening to me. 485 00:30:25,320 --> 00:30:30,860 So I really want to respect your time and this relationship for lack of a better word 486 00:30:30,860 --> 00:30:32,640 that we've created. 487 00:30:32,640 --> 00:30:37,360 You expect me to put out an episode and I hope that you listen. 488 00:30:37,360 --> 00:30:41,260 But I think that is all I have. 489 00:30:41,260 --> 00:30:43,440 So thank you again for listening. 490 00:30:43,440 --> 00:30:44,720 This is cold and missing. 491 00:30:44,720 --> 00:30:46,940 I'm Allie McLaughlin-Sulkowski. 492 00:30:46,940 --> 00:31:15,520 Have a great week and stay safe, y'all.
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