In this gripping episode, we delve into the mysterious disappearance of one-month-old Tavish Sutton, who was abducted from his hospital room at Grady Memorial in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 9, 1993. Born to a mother struggling...
Episode Summary: In this episode, we delve into the tragic and mysterious case of Joyner Ondimu, a 23-year-old Kenyan nursing student living in Newark, Delaware. Known for her big heart, culinary talent, and dedication to hel...
In this episode of Cold and Missing , we dive into the heartbreaking disappearance of 12-year-old Elisa Roberson with her sister Ruby Hall. Elisa vanished from Aransas Pass, Texas, in August 1989. On the evening of August 6, ...
In this year-end recap episode of Cold and Missing , we revisit some of the most compelling cases from our archives, exploring new updates and breakthroughs that have emerged in 2024. We delve into advancements in genetic gen...
In this episode, we explore the mysterious murder of Bruce Cucchiara, a beloved family man, businessman, and community figure in Covington, Louisiana. Bruce’s life was full of success but in April 2012, his life took a tragic...
On February 4, 2003, 4-year-old Sofia Juarez went missing in Kennewick, Washington, just hours before her 5th birthday. She had been playing at home with her uncle before asking to go to the store with her grandmother's boyfr...
In this episode, we dive into the chilling and mysterious deaths of two elderly women at Riverside Health Care Center in Missoula, Montana, in 1990. Bertha Scott, an 85-year-old Alzheimer’s patient, was found dead in her bed ...
In May 1989, 9-year-old Jenna Ray Robbins disappeared from her home in Killeen, Texas. On Mother’s Day, while playing with her friend outside, a man in a gray car lured Jenna away with promises of gifts. Local, state and fede...
We wanted to bring you a quick update on the case we covered last week on Pat Shea. Ali had the chance to connect with Pat’s nephew, Kevin Shea, who added additional details about the case and cleared up some …
In this episode, we explore the tragic and mysterious 1982 murder of Patricia "Pat" Shea, a beloved 40-year-old physician's assistant from Rockaway Beach, Queens, New York. Pat was known for her kindness and dedication to hel...
In this episode, we explore the tragic disappearance of 12-year-old Jared Negrete during his first overnight Boy Scout trip in July 1991. Set against the backdrop of the San Gorgonio summit, Jared, described as a shy but inte...
In part two, we delve deeper into the chilling unsolved double murder of Rose Burkert and Roger Atkison, whose bodies were discovered in a hotel room in the Amana Colonies in September 1980. We get into major developments ove...
In this chilling episode of Cold and Missing , Ali and Eli explore the tragic double murder of Rose Burkert and Roger Atkison, which occurred in September, 1980, at the Amana Holiday Inn in Iowa. Rose, a devoted mother and …
In this episode of Cold and Missing , we cover the heartbreaking case of nine-year-old Stephanie Crane, who vanished from Challis, Idaho, on October 11, 1993. After a seemingly ordinary day at school and afternoon bowling, St...
In this episode of Cold and Missing , we delve into the tragic case of 8-year-old Debra "Debbie" Makel, who went missing on October 5, 1973, from Rices Landing, PA. After a seemingly ordinary day at school, Debbie vanished sh...
In this episode of Cold and Missing , we delve into the heart-wrenching case of Jaquilla Scales, a 4-year-old girl who vanished from her Wichita home in September 2001. Described by those who knew her as having an “old soul,”...
On May 16, 2003, a shocking crime unfolded at Blue Ridge Savings Bank in Greer, South Carolina. Sylvia Holtzclaw, the head teller known for her dedication to her community, was working a full day due to a coworker’s illness. ...
In this episode, we dive into the mysterious disappearance of Larissa Sam, a talented 22-year-old mother and aspiring American Idol contestant who vanished on June 21, 2015. Larissa, known for her vibrant personality, was las...
In this episode, we delve into the unsettling case of Hasan Rahman, a 26-year-old mechanical engineering student from Bangladesh, who was found murdered in Wichita, Kansas, in November 2017. Hasan was known for his kindness a...
In the summer of 2023, 13-year-old James Yoblonski from Reedsburg, Wisconsin, vanished under mysterious circumstances. On June 12, after a seemingly normal evening, James left his home in the family van, taking a backpack, du...
In this episode, we dive into the haunting case of Connie Hiner, a woman whose life seemed to be on the brink of perfection before a shocking tragedy struck. In January 1996, the day she was supposed to start her …
In this episode, we delve into the mysterious disappearance of Kevin Jay Ayotte, a three-year-old boy from Bemidji, Minnesota, in 1982. Kevin, who was partially deaf and unable to vocalize, vanished alongside his beloved pupp...
This episode delves into the tragic and mysterious murder of Julia Niswender, a vibrant 23-year-old student at Eastern Michigan University whose life was cut short in December 2012. Julia, known for her bright personality and...
In 1998, Shy’Kemmia Shy’Rezz Pate, affectionately known as ShyShy, disappeared from her small town of Unadilla, Georgia, sparking a haunting mystery that continues to grip hearts and minds to this day. Despite battling severe...